Germany. Easter 18-21 April 2025

Picture of Alan Goode
Alan Goode

Topic: The focus for the workshop will be:

Developing backbends & inversions


In collaboration with Alan Goode will be teaching in Lantershofen, Germany in easter 2025 with a focus on developing greater understanding of Backbending and Inversions through practice.

This will be a systematic approach that develops over 4 days and students are encouraged to enrol for all sessions if possible.


Student requirements: The Workshop is directed to Level 1 & 2 teachers and experienced students familiar with inversions. All sessions will be taught in English.


Class times:

  • 18 April Friday. 10.00-12.00hr & 15.00-17.00hr
  • 19 April Saturday. 9.00-12.00hr & 15.00-17.00hr
  • 20 April Sunday. 9.00-12.00hr & 15.00-17.00hr
  • 21 April Monday. 9.00-13.00hr 


  • $550 AU (Euro 330) or single day $150 AU (Euro 90)
  • Early bird pricing is $480 AU (Euro 290). Early bird pricing ends 25 March

Bookings can be made here.

Click on the following link to enrol:

New students will need to make a profile on the website. From Yoga Mandir home page open the timetable menu at the top and click on enrollment

Payment will be collected in Australian Dollars with a conversion to your currency:


BKS Iyengar writes:

‘In the asana systems the most advanced postures are the backbends. The human structure is such that the idea does not strike anyone that the spinal vertebrae can be moved backwards as well as forward and sideways, without causing injury. In the field of yoga, backbends are not taught at the early stages in the practice of this art, but only when the body is trained and when it is tuned and toned to such an extent that it can accept these poses. Backbends are to be felt more than expressed’.[1]

[1] Iyengar BKS, Interview with P Walden and V Oppenheimer 1991

Venue: Burg Lantershofen

Burg Lantershofen, located in the picturesque hills of the Ahr Valley, is not only a historic castle but also the Supra-diocesan St. Lambert Study House, a distinguished Roman Catholic seminary. This venue provides a serene and spiritually enriching environment for our workshops.

Dating back to the 13th century, the castle’s medieval architecture offers a unique and tranquil setting that enhances the contemplative nature of the workshop. The rich history and beautifully preserved structures of Burg Lantershofen create an inspiring backdrop.


Burg Lantershofen. Studienhaus St. Lambert/Überdiözesanes Priesterseminar. Graf-Blankardt Str. 12-22. 53501 Grafschaft-Lantershofen

What to bring

Grafschaft is a village surrounded by beautiful countryside ideally suited to walking. Warm clothes for the cool evenings and a sun hat for the days are advised. Yoga clothes, towel, Yoga props, umbrella and raincoat

Yoga needs

Students attending locally and via car are encouraged to bring their own props and Yoga equipment.  Recommended: Yoga mat, 3 blankets, 2 Blocks, 2 belts, 1 bolster. Students with a kickboard should bring this also.


The climatic conditions in Lantershofen are characterized by a warm and temperate atmosphere. Grafschaft has significant rainfall and even in the driest month there is a lot of rain. The average annual temperature in Grafschaft is 12-24 °C.
So participants should prepare for warm days and cool evenings.

The balmy days of Summer commence at the end of June and conclude in September. This period encompasses the months: June, July, August, September.

Yoga Mandir is proud to collaborate with Light-on-Yoga Academy

Summer program. August 2025

Dont forget the summer academy that runs each August. Click on the link for details: 

Germany. August 2025. Summer