Yoga Studies

At Yoga Mandir, we believe that yoga is learned through a practise-based model. Our extensive online study platform, Yoga Vidya, has been purposefully designed to provide access to a variety of subjects that will immerse you deeply into the subject of yoga. Attend classes, practise with your mentor, engage in self-study, and join us on the mat at Yoga Mandir.





Attend weekly in studio or virtual classes to learn the asanas (postures) and principles that underpin the practice of yoga.

Consolidate your learning through practise-based study. Expose yourself to our lineage through the completion of purposefully designed online courses.

With knowledge gained from experience join us in the world of practise.


‘Knowledge has two facets. One is objective and the other subjective. Objective knowledge is based on speculation, thinking and analysis, whereas subjective knowledge is to verify the objective knowledge with experience. Subjective knowledge comes through practical experience and objective knowledge is earned through theoretical study. Yoga is both a practical as well as a theoretical subject … One puts this objective knowledge or the acquired knowledge into practice, so that one experiences the reality of the objective knowledge’ (BKS. Iyengar)

Over a two-year period, take a journey with us into the heart of yoga through an individualised practise-based study program.


Foundation Certificate of Yoga Studies 

Over the first two terms of placement as Foundation practitioners in yogasana classes, we:

  • Focus on which direction to turn the limbs, what to anchor and what to move in each asana.
  • Use the skills of action and observation to observe the effect that yogasana has on us.
  • Learn to use the organs of action and the senses of perception as tools to recognise that there are different layers of experience.
  • Become aware of, and learn to value, our tendencies and characteristics and how our experience of practice changes if we have had a good or bad day.

Developing Certificates 1 & 2 in Yoga Studies

Please note that there are two separate certificates covering the Developing Syllabus.

Over the next four terms of placement as Developing practitioners in yogasana classes, we: 

  • Watch sensations across the spectrum from gross to subtle to refine the capacity to disengage the senses.
  • Differentiate sensations from thoughts and emotions and detach ourselves from our habitual emotional and mental responses, – so we act rather than react within our practise.
  • ‘Position the mind’ in the same way we position the body and see that our practise of yogasana affects our experience of self.
  • Develop a capacity for self-study to see that we can change or at least suspend our view of ourselves.
  • Become less reactive and more stable by demonstrating better application and judgement; as seen in the appropriate use of props and improved alignment.


Established Certificate of Yoga Studies

Over the last two terms of placement as Established practitioners in yogasana classes, we:

  • Identify ‘citta’ (consciousness) as being made up of ‘manas’ (mind), ‘ahamkara’ (I-ness) and ‘buddhi’ (intelligence).
  • Examine the nature of the ‘vrttis’ (fluctuations) that ‘klesas’ (afflictions or sufferings) which affect the consciousness
  • Begin to examine the interplay of ‘I-ness’ (in particular attachment to emotions and thoughts) within the practice experience and to strengthen the function of intelligence such that non-attachment becomes possible (non-attachment is a step before detachment).
  • Come to understand where effort must be directed for change in citta to manifest. BKS Iyengar advises that ethical practice of asana, pranayama and pratyahara will result concentration (dharana).
  • Develop discernment by evaluating and discerning sensation; and the relationship between action and outcomes across the spectrum of experience (physical, energetic, mental/emotional and intellectual).

Subjective Experience

By the end of this program as Foundation practitioners we will have: 

  • Consistently attended two classes per week and engaged in correspondence with mentor demonstrating a reflective approach to ‘good and bad days.’
  • Named and practised asanas from each syllabus demonstrating intelligence and skill in understanding of repose, alignment, stability, use of props and breath.
  • Established a home practise of two hours per week demonstrating an understanding of sequencing, timing and repetition through practise logs.
  • Accurately maintained, recorded, submitted and analysed practise logs on a monthly basis.
  • Identified and explored responses to the practise of asana and pranayama through reflective journal or blog.
  • Completed the assigned Yoga Vidya subjects in a timely manner.
  • Demonstrated growth and engagement in self-study in two posts per term (weeks 2 and 8) to the Yoga Vidya forum.

Yoga Vidya Subjects

Yoga Vidya is a learning platform that the whole school community is invited to engage with to deepen their practise. The below table outlines the term-based delivery schedule of courses that all students at Yoga Mandir are invited to engage with. Each term you will complete a practise-based philosophy and pranayama course as well at two year-long yogasana courses. The subjects have been designed as stand-alone fields of enquiry and you will commence study at the point of entry to the program. 

Yoga Vidya subject delivery








T-Ph04. Twin pillars

P-01. Introducing Prana



T-Ph07. Integrating layers of experience

P-03. Ujjayi lying



Y-01. Niyama

P-04. Viloma lying



T-Ph06 Evolution/Involution

P-05. Bhramari



T-Ph03. Kriyayoga.

P-07. Ujjayi sitting



Y-01. Yama

P-09. Kumbhaka



T-Ph09. Vrttis & Klesas

P-11. Digital Pranayama



T-Ph17. Yoga Sutras. An Introduction

P-12. Anuloma-Pratiloma

Reading list

the following books are required for reference throughout your study

  • Light on Yoga by BKS Iyengar
  • Light on Yoga Sutras of Patanjali by BKS Iyengar
  • Path to Holistic Health by BKS Iyengar
  • Tree of Yoga by BKS Iyengar
  • Light on Life by BKS Iyengar
  • Yoga a gem for women by Geeta Iyengar


Further reading

  • Yoga the Iyengar Way by M Mehta
  • Iyengar Yoga for healthy aging by R Keller

These books are available through




As of January 2024 the online Yoga Vidya subjects will be incorporated into each certificate level.

The total cost for each certificate level of Yoga Studies is $1,940. This comprises enrolment in the Foundation Certificate on Yoga Vidya and includes:

  1. Two terms (22 weeks) of unlimited access to all Foundation, Developing, Established, Pranayama and Yogasana classes offered in studio or virtually.
  2. Four meetings with your mentor teacher – two per term.
  3. Enrolment in the Saturday afternoon study group, which meets monthly.
  4. Automatic enrolment in Yoga Vidya subjects per term (2 per term)

Total Cost for complete program of 4 Certificate of Yoga Studies levels is $7,760.

Student Reflection

A participant reflects: I took this course on for 2 reason:

  • as an isolated practitioner, to have confidence in what was the implicit development path as a Sadhaka and what was the underlying philosophy of that development
  • To establish a firm and regular home practice

I feel both of these goals have been achieved. I have learnt how to adapt to variations in routines, such as, travel or illness to maintain my home practice and have a fundamental understanding of the philosophy underlying my development as a Sadhaka.