Why practice?
Self-study is at the heart of Yoga. It’s a reference to reflecting upon who we are beyond our roles in life: Beyond how others view us or how we present ourselves outwardly.
All the meditative disciplines involve looking at oneself and what rises, whether it be thoughts, emotions or memories. It’s a reflective practice. The mind is made steady in practice so that we can observe these inner movements.
At Yoga Mandir a reflective practice is conducted through the practice of asana. Having learned and studied asanas individually, along with adjustments, modifications and their links between one another we string the asanas together in sequences which demand attention and application yet deliver a steady reflective mind. Its meditation in action.
We offer the following practice focused programs
Class archive
Class archives hold a record of classes taught by Alan Goode along with supporting material and articles to guide your practice. Our class archives are structured across 3 levels Foundation, Developing and Experienced to provide experienced students access to an archive of material for systematic practice.
Students with a monthly pass can access the class archives without additional cost (simply email the office).
Whether you live in our region or from afar you can enrol and participate in this vibrant community of practice.
Details: Class archive
Individual practice
Individual Practice Programs
Our online practice protal, Yoga Vidya has a range of individual practice program for students strongly grounded in Iyengar Yoga. These programs provide access to prerecorded audio classes on specific topics taught by Alan Goode. These audio classes deliver a depth of practice based learning.
Details: Individual Practice Programs
Introducing Sadhana.
Introducing Sadhana (practice) is focused on the building blocks of regular practice. Individuals can understand the format and begin the journey by enrolling in the 10-week introducing Sadhana program prior to undertaking the Sadhaka program.
Details: Introducing Sadhana
Practice PASSES
Led practice group:
Led practice is not available at this time
Individual practice:
Individual practice is not available at this time.