A Week of Sadhana

Picture of Yoga Mandir
Yoga Mandir

Hatha yoga is the observance of mental and emotional conditioning within each individual in the practice of Asana and Pranayama, a form of meditation in action. It is an attempt to reconcile the inner tensions.

Alan Goode took a week to explore his practice in the silence and beauty of the Snowy Mountains.

From the Hatha Yoga Pradipika

1:12 He who practices hatha Yoga should live alone in a small Matha (monastery) situated in a place free   of rocks, water and fire to the extent of a bows length and in a well ruled kingdom, which is          prosperous and free of disturbance.      

1:13. the Matha should have a small door, and should be without any windows; it should be level and          without any holes; it should be neither too high, too low nor too long. It should be very clean, being well smeared with cow dung and free from all insects.Outside, it should be attractive with a small hall (mandapa), a raised seat and a well, and be surrounded by a wall. These are the characteristics of a Yoga Matha as laid down by the Siddhas who have practiced Hatha Yoga .

1:14. Living in such a monastery the Yogin being free in mind of all cares, should practice only Yoga all the time in the way taught by his Guru.

I came over the last rise to see a small hut tucked up under a few Willow trees on  lush river flat at the end of a dirt road with the Kosciusko National Park on three sides. No roads, no electricity, no radio. I had found my Matha. I crossed the swaying suspension bridge by foot over the fast flowing mountain stream carrying a box of food and enough questions to last me the week I intended to stay. For some time I had been looking for a place to practice away from the pressures and distractions of the world; to practice undisturbed.

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