Find the still point in a turning world
Integrating body breath mind

Attend classes to learn the asanas (postures) and principles that underpin a practice of yoga.
Consolidate your learning through practice-based study and expose yourself to our lineage through online subjects.
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Yoga Mandir has been excellent in helping me achieve the poses that I've been struggling with, and getting the benefits of yoga almost without effort

Yoga Mandir is part of my life now. I trust the instructors and I'm much more supple
PS Sally is an excellent instructor

Yoga Mandir is true, clean, from the source, real, deep, mastery, honest, genuine, a treasure. Thank you

Yoga Mandir is transformative you have taught how to do yoga in classes and you are given the skills to develop a home practice you are encouraged to apply the eightfold path as outlined by patanjali in yoga sutras this way of action and thinking stills over into your everyday life the transfer the transformation of your consciousness is gradual and subtle but pervasive

Yoga Mandir is a community of yoga practitioners with sound and excellent teachers in an Academy of people working towards greater balance, harmony and strength in themselves and we take this out to bring positive energy to the world from.
